Whether it’s your everyday wheels or just a weekend warrior, engines that battle stop-and-go traffic or sit for long periods of time can benefit from a boost of protection. The High Mileage Booster has been formulated exclusively for use with Kendall GT-1 motor oils to deliver the added protection from sludge and rust that vehicles need. So, your engine gets the protection it deserves and the performance you rely on.
Formulated for service in vehicles that:
- Miss recommended oil change intervals
- Tow heavy loads
- Frequently drive in stop-and-go traffic
- Drive infrequently (weekend or collector cars)
Booster benefits include:
- Extended protection from rust and corrosion
- Cleans sludge that affects engine performance
Add GT-1 High Mileage Booster to GT-1 Synthetic Motor Oils for enhanced engine protection.